Western Heritage Division, NMRA

Meeting Minutes - Nov. 8th, 2014









Western Heritage Division, NMRA

DRAFT --------------- DRAFT

Meeting was opened by Harvey Swanger, November 8th, 2014. Officers present

  • Harvey Swanger Superintendent
  • Henry Nipper Assistant Superintendent
  • Jim Korman Clerk
  • --------------------------------------
  • Ryan Moats Director present

The October meeting minutes were read by the Clerk. A motion to accept was heard and seconded. Ryan Moats asked that the minutes be corrected to show that he is not an officer. Passed.

Paymaster's Report : No Report

Director's Report : Nominations for Regional offices are being requested, close by Christmas. Ballots will be out by January, with voting in April. The 2015 Regional Convention will be in Jefferson City, Missouri. They are looking at offering a collectors car, will be a 40 ft St Louis reefer. Tentative $25 per car. Pre-lettered with decals for numbering. Gauging interest.

HO Module Group : Claude Lundquist, The HO module group will be setting up next weekend, November 15th.

N-Scale Module Group : Scott Crites, No response from SAC, but the group does need to get an insurance certificate.

2015 Spring Show : Henry Nipper says that the date will be changed to the weekend of May 2nd and 3rd due to scheduling conflicts with dealers.

Other Business : Henry Nipper now has the bylaws in electronic form is beginning to work on changes.

New Business : Rusty Westermeier reported that the Winter dinner will be held on the 2nd Saturday, January 10th, 2015, at the Pizza Ranch in Papillion at 6p. The Clerk will be sending out a post card with information.
Ryan Moats stated that he will be performing an AP evalution after the meeting. Those interested may stay.

With no other business being heard, Barb Lundquist moved to adjourn. Bob Roegge seconded. Passed.

Jim Korman
Clerk, Western Heritage Division, NMRA