Western Heritage Division, NMRA

Meeting Minutes - Sep. 13th, 2014









Western Heritage Division, NMRA

Meeting was opened by Harvey Swanger, September 13th, 2014. Officers present

  • Harvey Swanger Superintendent
  • Henry Nipper Assistant Superintendent
  • Dennis Hansel Paymaster
  • Jim Korman Clerk
  • --------------------------------------
  • Ryan Moats Director

The August meeting minutes were read by the Clerk. Scott Crites moved, Ryan Moats seconded to accept the minutes as read. Passed.

Paymaster's Report : Current balance $7445.85, no outstanding bills. Bob Schramm moved, Yuri Korman seconded to accept. Passed.

Director's Report : : Current membership report. The Division has 72 members, 78 with overdue memberships. Regional awards nominations (see the Region website). Yuri Korman moved to accept. Passed.

HO Module Group : None.

N-Scale Module Group : Scott Crites – George ? gave an intro to decoders at their last meeting. They are still planning to be set up at SAC museum.

2016 Convention : Henry Nipper says that he has discussed some issues with Barb Lundquist. Will also be talking with Witt Johnson about some issues. Henry indicated that he may need to co-opt some members to help with the convention. Ryan Moats indicated that this work counts towards AP points.

Other Business : The Clerk reported that he had contacted the Maker group and declined their invitation for this year. In addition the correspondence clearly stated that we would be interested to be included in the future when we have more time to respond and plan. It was reported that the Live Steamers would be at Camp Creek this weekend. A short discussion about Carstens Publishing going out of business and being purchased by White River.
A negative report was made regarding embroidering shirts. The current art work is too “fine” and needs redone. The issue was tabled for now.
Because of the Norfolk meet (Cowboy Line Division) and others it was decided to move the October meeting to the 18th to meet along with the N-Scale group at the Millard Library. Time is 9:30 to 11:30. Ryan Moats moved, Yuri Korman seconded. Passed. After many years a Creighton, Camera-Rail is moving their meetings. Currently the meetings will be at Lansky’s at 50th and L St. on the 3rd Friday from 6p to 6:30p, with the program starting a 7p. At least through January of 2015.

With no other business being heard, Ryan Moats moved to adjourn. Scott Crites seconded. Passed.

Jim Korman
Clerk, Western Heritage Division, NMRA