Western Heritage Division, NMRA

Meeting Minutes - Mar. 9th, 2013









Western Heritage Division, NMRA

Meeting was opened by Ricky Keil at 12:05p, March 9th, 2013. Officers present

  • Ricky Keil Superintendent
  • Harvey Swanger Assistant Superintendent
  • Barb Lundquist Director
  • Jim Korman Clerk

Minutes from the February meeting were read. Barb Lundquist move moved to approve, with Ryan Moats second. Passed

Paymaster's Report : $4095.32 in money market. Dennis says he will get the rest of the report to the Clerk.

Ricky presented Ryan Moats his Rusty Wiley award for 2011. Bob Albano was awarded the Rusty Wiley award for 2012. Ricky also commended Bob Finkenbiner for his work with the 2012 Spring Show.

Show Report : The show committee reports 8 vendors and 50 tables sold. Scott Crites plans to have a floor layout for the show.
Discussion followed about having a best layout contest during the show. Ryan Moats moved, Bob Finkenbiner second to have a Best Layout Award by popular vote at the Spring show. Passed. Discussion followed about the type of award. Bob Finkenbiner moved with Bob Roegge second to award $50 first prize and $25 second prize. Passed. Don Wetmore will be contacted about the “timesaver” contest module.
Ryan Moats suggests that we not have a model contest.
Discussion about the possibility of having the contest only one day.
The committee further recommended that we not do any clinics.
They also asked for a list of past volunteers from past shows.
Bob Finkenbiner will work with the committee regarding signage.
A question was asked if layout groups are offering items for sale should be considered vendors. Barb says that they should be charged a “swap table” amount.

Director's Report : Barb Lundquist. June meeting to be planned. A suggestion to contact the Chippewa Northwestern Railway in Goehner about having our picnic there.
Bob Roegge moved with Ron Brozanic second to investigate the possiblility.

Ryan Moats moved to adjourn, second by by Ron Brozanic.

ABob Roegge gave a second part of his presentation of work he has been doing on his newest Gn15 layout.

Jim Korman
Clerk, Western Heritage Division, NMRA